A Rouanet, R Johnson, M Strauss, S Richardson, B Tom, S White, P Kirk. Bayesian profile regression for clustering analysis involving a longitudinal response and explanatory variables, JRSS C, 2023, sous presse, [link]
A Rouanet, J Avila-Rieger, A Dugravot, …, & C Proust-Lima. How Selection Over Time Contributes to the Inconsistency of the Association between Sex/Gender and Cognitive Decline across Cognitive Aging Cohorts, American Journal of Epidemiology, 2022, 191(3):441-452. [link]
JD Chamberlain, A Rouanet, …, & C Dufouil, Memento Study group. Investigating the association between cancer and the risk of dementia: Results from the Memento cohort, Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 2021, 17(9):1415-1421. [link]
A Rouanet, S Richardson, B Tom. Benefit of Bayesian clustering of longitudinal data: study of cognitive decline for precision medicine. In Bayesian Methods in Pharmaceutical Research, (eds: Lesaffre E, Baio G, and Boulanger B), Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series, 2020, 223-242. [link]
RV Marinescu, …, A Rouanet, …, & DC Alexander. The Alzheimer’s disease prediction of longitudinal evolution (TADPOLE) challenge: Results after 1 year follow-up, Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging, 2021, 1:1-60. [link]
H Jacqmin-Gadda, A Rouanet, RD Mba, V Philipps, J-F Dartigues. Quantile regression for incomplete longitudinal data with selection by death, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2020, 29(9):2697-2716. [link]
A Rouanet, C Helmer, J-F Dartigues, H Jacqmin-Gadda. Interpretation of mixed models and marginal models with cohort attrition due to death and drop-out, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2017, 28(2):343-356. [link]
A Rouanet, P Joly, J-F Dartigues, C Proust-Lima, H Jacqmin-Gadda. Joint latent class model for longitudinal data and interval-censored semi-competing events: Application to dementia, Biometrics, 2016, 72(4):1123-1135. [link]
C Frindel, A Rouanet, …, & D Rousseau. Validity of shape as a predictive biomarker of final infarct volume in acute ischemic stroke, Stroke, 2015, 46(4):976-981. [link]